...with community in mind...

We would love for every homeschool student in the McLeod and surrounding communties to have a place where they belong. If you are interested in checking us out, email nucleus.homeschool@gmail.com to find a time to visit!

Expert Education Days

(EE Days)

Expert Education Day is an opportunity for family and friends of Nucleus families to teach about something they are interested in. We've really enjoyed learning more about each other and finding some hidden areas of interest within our community! 

Event Days

Event Days have been designed to encourage community as well as create an opportunity to sharpen a few social skills -- including both winning and losing! Some events we have done are spelling bees, knowledge bowls and Valentine's parties. 


Field Trips

For those who are available, we also join together for other community-building events such as field trips and park dates. These are typically quite local, though a couple are opportunities that require a bit more travel. 

Open Gym and BYO-Lunch

After our Friday gatherings, we have open gym for anyone who wants to stay, and you are free to bring a lunch and eat together too!