- One of our goals is to build a community. In order to do that we need everyone to participate: children, teens, and parents. Throughout the year we schedule a variety of events with the idea that families will volunteer to teach, help organize field trips, and lead games. While we know everyone doesn't feel comfortable teaching a large group of kids, we also know that everyone brings strengths that they can share. Families should do their best to volunteer several times for the variety of needs that are shared throughout the year. 


- Due to our insurance policy, parents are required to stay onsite. In the event that a parent needs to be gone for a week, another adult must take on responsibility for the child/children for the day. This must be communicated with the Friday Coordinator by the parent. A form is available on the Band App. 


- We use the Band App to communicate with families. Our expectation is that you will add the App to your phone so that you receive the necessary information.


- If local schools are canceled due to inclement weather, Nucleus events are canceled, too. We will use Band to communicate any changes in our programming due to weather.


- It is our expectation that if a child is sick, they will be kept home. We ask that children attending be fever-free for 24 hours and no vomiting or diarrhea for 48 hours. If you'd rather not bring a sickness home with you, then please don't share it at co-op.